Have you ever brush your teeth and afterward take a sip of cold drink or orange juice? Yes, it does not taste much good. In actual fact, this can take place with certain drinks and foods after brushing.
The culprit: One particular ingredient in toothpaste is accountable for changing your taste buds: sodium laureth sulphate (SLS). Sodium laureth sulfate several times shows on toothpaste labels as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).
What it does to your taste buds: While SLS and SLES make brushing your teeth much easier, it moreover influences your taste buds in a number of different ways. Foremost, it suppresses the receptors which pick up on the sweetness in drinks and foods. It also improves bitter tastes. Hence anything sour that you drink or eat will taste truly bitter.

What it does for your toothpaste: SLS is actually a surfactant, or foaming agent, which is commonly utilized in toothpaste and different other products. Sodium laureth sulfate gets it easier to consistently spread the toothpaste all over your mouth. It is moreover has an emulsifying action that helps the toothpaste take away surface stains as well as dissolve debris.
Why it doesn’t remain forever: Luckily, drinks and foods start to taste normal again after around 30 minutes of brushing, when your saliva has diluted as well as washed away the entire leftover Sodium laureth sulfate.
So, here you got the answer of question mentioned on the title. If you are suffering from any kind of inconvenience or problem in eating foods or having drinks, it is always suggested to visit dentist as soon as possible to avoid big dental hazards. Regular check up is also essential for people in order to maintain dental health and good dental appearance.
Preston Smiles is the best place for cosmetic and general dentistry. We provide experts and experienced people for quality treatment of your valuable teeth. We provide high class assistance in order to make your relaxed and satisfied by our treatments. You can get emergency treatments at any time you want so that you would not suffer from pain for longer. We are most preferred Best Dentist Preston utilizing latest techniques and equipments to make your healthy, bright and beautiful.
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